Tuesday 4 August 2015

Day 13 Glastonbury

Today it is hard to believe is the last day of the conference already time has gone by so quickly. We gathered at the town hall for our street parade through High Street and up to the top of The Tor. Somehow I was gifted one of Lydia’s amazing banners to carry through the parade, such a privilege.

Here I am holding the banner and with my dear friend Jan.

Anique waving from above with Maree & me.

Here the parade starts heading around the corner into High Street with people everywhere watching.

Here the parade slows down as we head up the hill through the gate to the Tor.

Everybody at the top of the Tor getting ready to start ceremony.

Ceremony and offerings

The High Priestess Group responsible for all the organisation of the conference

Views out over the Somerset landscape

The Bell Tower at the top of the Tor

The parade starts heading back down the Tor and into town.

Arriving back in the town hall
Maree and I then went to visit the Mary Chapel and have some quiet time and reflect on all thata has happened during the conference.

Such a peaceful and beautiful place, we then had some lunch before returning for the closing ceremony and gift giveaway, hugs and farewells to all our new friends.

In the evening we went to the Lammas Ceremony in the Goddess Hall held outside in the summer night.

And so the conference closes after the 20th celebration here in Glastonbury.

I am so sad, the lands of the UK and especially these here in Glastonbury are my souls home and I know that I will be very sad to leave this land to continue on my journey.

1 comment:

Gabby said...

What a wonderful experience Lee-Anne. Keep enjoying your sojourn.