Wednesday 31 July 2013

Opening Ceremony Goddess Conference

Today was the opening of the Goddess Conference in Glastonbury honouring Mother Earth. We entered the Town Hall to a wonderfully decorated goddess space and had an opening with the Lord Mayor and Deputy Lord Mayor present to welcome us all to Glastonbury.

We all added our offering to this goddess formed with softened twigs

The Welcoming with the Lord Mayor and Deputy Lord Mayor

After lunch we walked the landscape and honoured the elements air, fire, water & earth. At the end we collated the earth we had brought from around the world into one pouch for our group which we chose earlier in the morning. The groups represented the 8 directions and the centre. Each direction represented a part of the landscape eg volcano, valleys, mountain tops, caves and forests/glens. We were asked to select the group that spoke to our soul and the part of the landscape that we found the most joy. As I had travelled so far to have this experience in Glastonbury I selected the centre the Isle of Avalon representing transformation - a very powerful group and one that has changed my life forever even after only 1 day of the conference.

Walking out of town on the beginning of our landscape sacred walk

Welcoming each attendee at the gate of the Tor 

Starting our ascent of the Tor

My turn of carrying the staff for our group
After a tea break we then gathered for our sacred welcoming ceremony of the evening which has left me humbled and in awe of the people involved. It is a sacred ceremony and unfortunately there are no photographs to share with you. It involved an enchanted forest with nymph and faery casing each other through the standing stones and women skyclad representing the earth elements of our groups. The earth from our individual pouches was mixed together from all participants and then each goddess of the elements added there earth to form a large cauldron of earth from all corners of the world.

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