Adding Comments

Comments are welcomed and will be moderated before they appear on the blog. I will endeavour to be online each day to do this.

You should see an area at the bottom of each post where you can add a comment. (If 'No Comments' appears next to the Date just click 'No Comments' to make the Post a Comment area show on the Post).

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Unknown said...

Hi there Lee-Anne,

I am blogging also on a daily basis (or trying to) from my travel journey from 25 years ago as a 21 year old solo backpacker. 25 years ago today I was travelling around the Village of Uig, Portree and Isle of Skye. I try to include ticket stubs, photos etc from my journal 25 years ago, however the quality of my photos can be faded and dull and doesn't do the areas I visit justice. I try to include lovely photos on my daily blog and I am hoping you might allow me to use two photos from your blog. I also credit the source of all photos I use.

By the way, you have a very nice looking blog and it seems you certainly know what you're doing! I don't seem to have people leaving comments on my blog even though the stats show I've had just under 5,000 blog views - I must be doing something wrong. I have asked for support from blogspot numerous times but don't get any response. Anyway, any advice would be appreiciated. Thanks Lee-Anne, kind regards, Jacqui

Lee-Anne said...

Hi Jacqui I think the visits to the blog I have are friends who have been interested in where we were and what we were doing, I don't think I received any real interest outside of that. The keeping of the blog was really for my own journey and a place to keep record of my adventures. By all means you may use my photos you need, please just give credit. I wish you every success with your blog. Lee-Anne